Sunday, 30 July 2017


No meeting in August.

Just to remind you all we are not having an August meeting. Our next meeting will be in September.
Happy holidays to everyone. Let's hope the sun shines.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Ten Plus Textiles

Mary has been out and about and visited the Ten Plus Textiles Exhibition at Didsbury. She has kindly sent some photos of some of the work for us look at.

If anyone has some interesting photos of places and exhibitions please email to me and I will add them to the blog.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Ten Plus Textiles

Didsbury M20 2RQ
8th July - 30th July 2017


A new exhibition of contemporary textile art by 

Didsbury Parsonage, The Old Parsonage, Stenner Lane, 
Didsbury M20 2RQ 

Open daily: 9.30am to 5.30pm 
Admission Free 
Disabled access 
for further information ‘phone 0161 4457661

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Leek exhibition

Embroidery exhibition 

I stumbled upon this exhibition in a side room at the Foxlowe Gallery, Leek. 

The postcards will be familiar to everyone as we have embroidered them in the past. 

It is an Embroiderers Guild Exhibition.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Sandbach Event

Sandbach Event

Rosemary, Bernice and friends are really busy preparing for this event in the church. The embroideries in the church are absolutely stunning.

Go along and support this worthwhile event.

There will be tea and cakes !!!

Bernice and friends have been busy preparing lots of craft items which will be for sale.

 Meet your friends there. Lots of us will be going.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Sheila's calico bag

Sheila has decorated her calico bag with a hexagon flower. It looks really good.

Suzette Smart

We had a super afternoon with Suzette Smart.

The work spoke for itself. It was layered and had a beautiful soft look achieved by layering of fabrics and stitches.

Her latest body of work is mainly following a bird theme as Suzette is working towards an exhibition in Anglesey during August.

Here's lots of examples of her work. We hope to book her for a workshop in the future.